Citadel FALCATA- Short Sword.

A formidable cut-and-thrust, single-edged sword, the kind used in Ancient Greece. Beautiful royal ebony wood handle, iron guard and heel sculpted with an eagle’s head. One of a kind.


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This sword is a unique piece.

  • Impressive blade, hand-forged in 1075 carbon steel, true differential quenching
    with a forge finish. Unsharpened false edge at the tip. Length 390mm, thickness 5mm and width 54mm.
  • Full tang handle that curves to cover the hand. Royal ebony scales fixed with 3 maillechort rivets. Length 170mm.
  • Total length 545mm, weight 937g.
  • Flat leather sheath with loop, safety cord with buffalo bone button.

Entirely hand made by CITADEL.